Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Homeschool Snapshot - The Domes

We just learned about biomes and what better place to experience mini biomes than the domes. 

The rainforest dome 
Taking a break to work on our units

I was surprised by how into this the boys were. 

Weston looked up and discovered this awesome reflection of the water in the sky. We all stopped to stare and let it mess with our minds. 

In the "show-dome" they had a murder mystery set up with clues and each stop had a different poisonous plant. 

I love this picture of him. 

The dessert dome

A life size eyespy. A big hit

1 comment:

Keegan said...

I knew you wouldn't let me down! This actually looks awesome! I remember going once before and it was okay, but it looks more fun and engaging this time. Partially that's probably because you guys talked about it beforehand, but even the set-up looks more kid-friendly this time. I love how sometimes kids surprise you with how interested they get -- that's how I felt with Caleb at the zoo one day. It's so fun! Also, I am amazed to see Weston sitting so nicely. Micah would be dashing all over that place in a frenzy.