Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Remember his name

This is my little brother. It's hard to find or capture a serious picture of him. He's a goof and almost always makes a face other than a smile. However, this silly man is super serious about his art. 
If I compiled a list of all the things that he's good at I'd need several posts. He draws, paints, does pointelism, plays piano, and on and on. But, he is most passionate about film-making, and it shows. He's 15 going on 30. He's taking every film class in school and acceling like he was made for this stuff. In one of his classes last semester, he was surrounded by seniors but after his teacher saw his craft he said "You see this guy. Remember his name." 
I'm confident that someday I'll be writing a post about his newest film winning dozens of awards. 
In the meantime, you can check out some of his short films (which have one the very proud big-sister award):

Notice his schnazy equiptment! I'm thankful for parents who nurture all of our passions with the tools we needed for success:)

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