Monday, January 28, 2013

Birthday Girls

Today both Brandi and my Grandma Pat celebrate their birthdays. Brandi turns 12!
This time twelve years ago we were all in shock after my mom was rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night with pre-eclampsia. We woke up to a phone call saying we had a sister three weeks early. Gods timing is always perfect! He soaked up our extra three weeks with her and she's be special to us ever since. She's a wonderful young lady who makes me proud to be her sister and friend.
She'll forever be frozen in my mind as a little girl but we're so enjoying watching her grow up. And we're so thankful that she's taking her time.

My grandma gracefully shares her special day with Brand with no reservations.
We are always happy to celebrate her, and birthdays are no exception:)
She is an amazing woman that we all look up to, especially us girls. She always takes time for us, and makes a point of knowing how we are and keeping track of what we're up to. She's an inspiration and we're blessed to know her.

We love both of you ladies sooo much!
Happy birthday!

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