Thursday, June 30, 2016

Outdoor painting party - AKA coolest mom ever

It started as a peaceful painting session. 

Sweet little baby-prints

Weston got abstract

Then this happened. Oliver threw caution to the wind and used mud instead of paint. I LOVED the creativity in this move. 
Then we got to thinking....
It's a nice day. 
We're already messy. 
All the paints are conveniently outside....
And this is when "slide-painting" was born!

Sheer artistic mess and goodness!

Date Night Sillies

Big-boy beds!

The twins outgrew their bed and we went back and forth about the kind of bed to buy and how much to spend...
In the end, I decided that we had way too much lumber in the basement, and nap-time open so I built these toddler platform beds. Mark was relieved that he didn't have to try to squeeze a construction project into his busy week and I relished the challenge to make something outside of my general skill-set (not to mention saving the money). 
I am very happy with the end result, and I think the twins are too:)

Our Indian Feast!

Well, Mark's cooking class paid off! We are like kings, for several meals, and then froze at least an entire extra dinner-worth. Delish!

S'mores with Bompa and Grandma Becky

pictures with no home - June part 3

Night Owls

At the start of summer Mark and I decided to start letting Oliver and Finley stay up an hour later. This has been a really big deal for them and they're loving the freedom!

I came downstairs recently to this sweetness. They'll read, play games and snack, until 8. 

Last day of school "smash"

Future world-changer

"Strong-willed children become adults who change the world as long as we can hang on for the ride and resist the temptation to "tame" the spirit out of them."
-Sarah Stogryn


pics with no home - June part 2

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Mark's 30th Birthday! The Odd Duck

So, it's a little well-known fact, that my sweet husband just turned 30! *gasp*
I have now know mark for more than half of our lives. I am truly in awe of this man. It's a funny thing to suddenly look at someone you've know since middle school and see them as the grown up that they are. Really. I respect him more than any other human I know. He has grown so much as a man, friend, husband and father. Every day I watch him walk through the door, to a literal swarm of children, screaming his name. He bends and kisses each one and then makes a b-line for me. With a smile and warm embrace -that I wait for all day- he sweetly kisses me and asks how my day was. This is typically all before he takes off his shoes. He never asks for anything and is forever offering himself to us. He's amazing. 
So, when this birthday rolled around, he took it all in stride. No panic, no cwaziness. Maybe a little more reflective. 
We started off his celebration with dinner at th Odd Duck. I would highly recommend it. We'll be back!

He let me dress him. My favorite shirt. 

A lilac cocktail. 

All of the food was amazing! We were too busy stuffing our faces, to stop and take pics of the dishes.