Monday, May 30, 2011

Mark's BIrthday Fishboil

Over the holiday weekend we celebrated Mark's 25th birthday. I can't believe he's going to be that old.
Little cousins (Cole, Lilly, Keira, Oliver)

Auntie Adrianne with two of her favorite little people

This is as close to a posed picture as we were getting.
Just a few minutes before the boil-over

A fairly quiet moment with Finn and Caden. Most of the weekend Finley ran around touching Caden, and Caden would scream, or cry. Finley quickly realized the power involved in his touch and relished every shrieking moment.

Oliver helping Daddy "chop" wood for the fire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a great time! Finley is my little man and I love any time spent with my nieces and nephews! I'll take as many as I can get ;-)